Woman pleads guilty to sex act on girl (Singapore)

on . Posted in LGBT News & Politics.

This news was first published on Channelnewasia.

Sayoni strongly condemns sex with minors, whether they be gay, straight or lesbian. 

Woman pleads guilty to sex act on girl

By Shaffiq Alkhatib | Posted: 16 March 2011 1434 hrs


SINGAPORE: A 22-year-old woman pleaded guilty on Wednesday to two counts of performing a sexual act on an underage girl, in what's believed to be the first case of its kind in Singapore.



The woman, who is a student, cannot be named to protect the girl's identity.


The woman performed the act on the then-13-year-old girl with her consent in 2008 and 2009.


Deputy Public Prosecutor S Sellakumaran said the girl's schoolmate first introduced the youngster to the woman in November 2007.


They became good friends after meeting each other face-to-face at the girl's birthday party later that month.


DPP Sellakumaran added that they ended up in a relationship about two months later.


Soon after this, the woman would pick her up from school whenever the girl's mother was unable to do so.


The court heard that the woman first committed the act on the girl in November 2008 at a staircase landing of a multi-storey car park.


She later performed a similar act on the girl in a room at Siloso Beach Resort in Sentosa in 2009.


The girl's mother soon learnt about her daughter's relationship with the woman and alerted the authorities.


Defence Counsel Paul Tan urged the court to put his client on probation.


He said the woman was 19 years old when she first became the girl's partner and the two of them were very close to each other.


However, District Judge Low Wee Ping said the fact that the girl consented to the act may not be relevant.


He stressed that the offence involved a young girl who is protected by the law. 


Judge Low has called for a pre-sentence probation report and the woman will be back in court on April 18.


If convicted of the offence, for each charge, she could be jailed up to two years, fined a maximum of 5,000 dollars or both.




Tags: singapore



# valentinetan 2011-03-17 15:24
I frown on sexual predators too, of ALL kinds. So many guys including family members fucking their own girls and I do wonder where are those parents are...

A little counselling will just do lah, it's not like victim is being impregnanted or sustained STDs or get scarred for life from some masochistic sex acts, it's another inappropriate sexual activity of her age...and talkin' which, when IS the Law and Media here going to expose on the issue of pornography and underage sex practices?

Doesn't it kinda makes PLUs wonder if it's all not a discriminatory piece of news and cheap publicity stunt to showcase another ugly face of homosexuality, indeed!

This is a real uptight joke on santicised S'pore if the law is levying a harsh punishment because in more open society, it's nothing more than sexual experimenting and awareness, albeit inappropriate age!

I also wonder why we want to rub salt into our own wound here. In what way by condemning help to alleviate PLUs? Wouldn't this just give reason to curb the perimeters of our visibility and existence instead?
# pleinelune 2011-03-18 11:49
sexual experimentation is separate from sex with minors. it is one issue when 14-year old experiments with a 15-year old. That has to be handled sensitively with respect to the welfare of both children, and taking their maturity and ages into account.

That is a completely separate issue from a fully-grown woman taking advantage of a young girl. It doesn't matter if the sexual predator is a woman, man or anything in between and goes after girls, boys and anything in between.

I don't even see a wound here. This news is only newsworthy because it is the first time female-female sex has been prosecuted. I don't see the discrimination. Sure it makes lesbians look bad, but that's precisely why we need to condemn the act for fact that it is sex with a minor, not because it is lesbian sex.
# valentinetan 2011-03-25 12:03
Missed the point. Ageism is discrimination.

Such judgement actually sends the message of frowning on all kinds of same-sex experiments, not unlike the failed attempts to introduce homosexuality topic in the local sex education. Empowering homophobia and ignorance and fear. Same type of parents to me.

Fully grown body may not equate to a fully grown mental, emotional and psychological brain. I'm just questioning if ample test and evaluation has been done to determine on circumstances and the 'crime' here. Or even if organisation like this has attempted to reach out and mediate in the first place? Did anyone tries to defend the PLU? What positive aspect did the relationship bring and what has the victim to say more importantly? That would be MORE newsmaking and help shed light to mainstream.

Seems surprising to me that Organisation like this is kicking one of your own when she is down otherwise...
# pleinelune 2011-03-26 11:07
I have a question, valentinetan - would you respond the same way if the older person was a man?
# valentinetan 2011-03-28 10:21
Go back and read my first comment again. The answer would be 'No', because of the risks involved otherwise.

When an older MALE friend gets sexual consent from a minor of the opposite sex, that is blantant sexual predatorship. When an older female does that, rest the freer society might normally just brush that off as sexual educationing where such closed-minded parents doesn't and wouldn't do themeselves that led to their emotionally starved kids to seek the growing up elsewhere. In some quarters, people would have argued the girl is seeking solace in a 'safer' mode of a elder female friend to understand sexuality and is being punished?! What message is that? So better to find out sexuality with boys/men, huh?

Or does the end justify the means, anything to make their children turn homophobic better than open to homosexuality? How traumatise will the girl be by such pubic persecution for the rest of her life and her peers?

Whether in this context how open and free these individuals are that commit this 'catergorised' penal code crime, it would have to be determined by their exposures and values. Tho' the main argument whether as minor and still under parental guidance, the parents allows it or not, like I mentioned, a closed door family counselling determining the mindset of the older female lesbian and subsequently if proven it's also due to intimacy problem, gets proper counselling and the right law of proximity protection would do as best.

I want to know who the REAL culprit here is to jump on such extreme persecution. How would that improve and help S'pore to progress as a modern cosmopolitan society?

To me, the first instinctual reaction is I think Justice has taken a double-blind eye on such harsh punishment, no doubt, to conveniently put across a homophobic stance from the evil political point and how politically inclined your organisation is instead.
# pleinelune 2011-03-28 22:01
What you basically just said is that to prey on minors of the same sex is not preying at all, but that it is an opportunity to let the minor explore her sexuality. Wow. I have no idea how you jump to these conclusions.
# valentinetan 2011-03-29 09:39
Double 'Wow' on how you come that kind of conclusion.

Case in point of wat a typical 22-yr-old (or there abt) level of maturity is. Actually this case lies smack center in your peer group and science will tell us the effects on the hiatus of the frontal lobe can do to teenagers to young adulthood. Wait, mb your not out of the woods yet yourself?

I've explained no less than twice in my 2nd and 3rd postings already on the civil and decent actions that I hope our society can take on than criminal persecution of such case.

I rather you just thank me for my perspective, pledge support to investigate and lend your organisation understanding of this case and shed insights of how any other 18yr & above who are lost and misguided lesbians where they can get help.

I don't know who is suppose to represent Sayoni here actually..

Please take yourselves out a bit of youthful pride and try to save the future of this 22yr PLU before conviction date ya?

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