Be a Sayoni Volunteer

on . Posted in Announcements.



Do you like doing your part for a meaningful cause? Do you feel that you have something to give to the community? Would you like the chance to grow through valuable working experiences? Would you like to make a difference to someone's life — someone like you?

Sayoni is actively seeking volunteers to contribute to our growing needs. A wide range of opportunities are available, covering skills as diverse as copywriting, event organisation and academic research. You may volunteer for a one-off/short-term project or for a longer effort.

Whether you are a seasoned volunteer or completely new to volunteerism, we welcome you to apply with us and have a conversation.


Examples of our past and ongoing projects include:


    To apply to become a volunteer, please complete our Volunteer Application Form. We will be in touch within 14 days.



    # JOlene Sim 2012-08-04 21:54
    Hi. I will like to be a part of your team in the organising of your activities. Contact me =)
    # alina 2012-08-08 03:47
    Hi Jolene, please fill in the form, and we will be in touch.

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