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What I find important in a relationship:

on . Posted in Relationships.

The endearing optimism, faith and unwavering trust of a child combined with the grounded practicality of an adult.

The safe space to divulge your deepest darkest desires and shameful secrets without fear of judgement.

The amazing warmth and wholeness when I wake up next to her, a sated tangle of arms and legs.

The ability to resolve petty arguments through live performances and Scrabble.

The freedom to live and love and learn, be it as individuals or together.

The way we flow so freely when it comes to roles and personalities.

The comforting knowledge that love is unconditional.

The commitment towards a shared future.


# i’m a femme* 2010-02-02 21:25
i’m a femme* « queer as she sounds…… said,

November 3, 2007 at 1:33 am

[...] [...]

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