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A life without compromise – Chapter 2

Written by (Guest Writers) on . Posted in Relationships

Part 2


Strange blessing in disguise it was almost a month later when trying to grapple with that love found and lost in an instant, the second girl stepped into my life. Let’s call her C. Yes, C was indeed the much needed healing from the after-shock of loss. She listened, unprejudiced to my ranting of having been beguiled into a relationship I had convinced myself existed.

Then we hung out a week later at a pub and for the first time, I didn’t just see her as that pleasant girl-next-door, nor that professional disposition at the club I worked-out at. Instead, here was a really amusing social creature who made her friends laugh, and who could drink anyone under the table. That evening, she had a lot more than any of us. Significant that evening was because not only did she invite me out of compassion for my lonely depressed 33rd birthday, but also I was made privy to a social side of her that was a delightful discovery.

So after supper, she started to feel really nauseated and managed to throw up all in her tummy. Whilst holding her tresses back as her friend helped her purge into a plastic bag, I saw the saddest and most vulnerable child in her who needed someone to take care of her, unlike the free and independent spirit I was first drawn to at her workplace.

The morning after started a series of more personal sms communication involving queries on her health and asking her to join me for an evening out at a Girl-party. And the evening at the party would be our significant private moments of mutual acknowledgment of interest. That evening I noticed her eyes a lot more for the first time and I kept looking away for fear that I may fall in love. Apparently it was the same for her because she could sense the tension. After the evening’s event, I walked her to the van and instinctively took her big gym bag while she held my arm. That sensation not only thrilled because of her physical proximity but more at the potential development of that future closeness.

What I find important in a relationship:

Written by immoralfear on . Posted in Relationships

The endearing optimism, faith and unwavering trust of a child combined with the grounded practicality of an adult.

The safe space to divulge your deepest darkest desires and shameful secrets without fear of judgement.

The amazing warmth and wholeness when I wake up next to her, a sated tangle of arms and legs.

The ability to resolve petty arguments through live performances and Scrabble.

The freedom to live and love and learn, be it as individuals or together.

The way we flow so freely when it comes to roles and personalities.

The comforting knowledge that love is unconditional.

The commitment towards a shared future.

The Crush Effect

Written by AnJ on . Posted in Relationships

If you are lesbian, then this feeling would have a 95% chance of being familiar with you: The Crush Effect.

So you are attached and past the honeymoon stage. A new girl appears in your life. (Well.. MANY new girls but this particular babe snared your attention. In some cases, you might be drawn to more than one simultaneously.) You met her over a gathering or you met her over an online forum…
She has a dazzling smile that weakens you at your knees, speaks and goes about her affairs with panache. She builds a connection that you didn’t think the two of you can have. She cares about your impending tasks. The thin line between friendship and a little beyond is skillfully straddled…

You think you like her.
You think she likes you… maybe.
And you spend days wondering if she fancies you a wee bit in that manner… eliciting smiles, interjected by frowns, stirring an odd blend of confusion and anticipation in your heart. Life seems a little less mundane.
But it falls short of pushing your current relationship into no-woman-land.

Congratulations- you are getting a dose of the Crush Effect.

To Date or not to date?

Written by pure ego on . Posted in Relationships

It has been quite a long time since I wrote on Sayoni. During my absence here, I completed a screenplay and worked hard at my new job. Though I spent many hours writing after work and halted my social life, I did not feel the urge to ask anyone out when I finished the long script. Despite the loneliness, I preferred to spend time alone, going to the movies and gym.

So here I thought, these outings alone were great training for the years to come if I should end up alone. Anyway, I am alone and I have no urge or whatsoever to date anybody.

Something I Can Never Have

Written by lublub on . Posted in Relationships

Disclaimer: lublub is about to embark on a little love story. So if you do not like to read sappy writing which drips with melancholy. Please click sayoni forums where the keyboard action is.

Taken from

I’ve been watching your world from afar,
I’ve been trying to be where you are,
And I’ve been secretly falling apart,
I’ll see.

To me, you’re strange and you’re beautiful,
You’d be so perfect with me but you just can’t see,
You turn every head but you don’t see me.

'Strange And Beautiful' - by Aqualung

It's funny sometimes, how love changes your perspective of a person.


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